

Our team specializes in navigating the complexities of insurance for expatriates, offering tailored policies that ensure your and your family's safety and security in a new country. From health to liability insurance, we analyze and propose the best plans to fit your specific needs and budget.

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Our Insurance Services

Health Insurance

Providing comprehensive health insurance options, both private and public, tailored to your stay in Germany.

Comprehensive Property Insurance

Tailored insurance solutions for your property, including building and home contents insurance, specifically designed for expatriates in Germany.

Asset and Liability Coverage

Extensive coverage for your assets and personal liabilities, offering robust car insurance and legal protection to secure your lifestyle in Germany.

Life, Work & Pension Insurance

Integrating life and work-related insurance with pension planning, covering term life, occupational disability, and various pension schemes (private, company, state-subsidized).

Insurance Services Dashboard

How Our Insurance Services Work


Understanding Your Insurance Needs

The process begins with a comprehensive evaluation of your insurance needs, considering factors such as your lifestyle, family situation, and specific requirements while living in Germany.


Policy Selection and Customization

We provide guidance on selecting the best insurance policies, offering a range of options from health to liability insurance, and customize them to suit your unique needs.


Facilitating the Insurance Process

Our team assists in the entire insurance process, from application and documentation to ensuring you understand the coverage details and benefits.


Continuous Support and Claim Assistance

Along with ongoing support and reviews, we offer full English assistance during the claim process with insurance companies, ensuring comprehensive coverage that adapts to your changing needs and legal updates in Germany.

Trusted by Leading Companies

Insurance Solutions

Personalized Insurance Solutions

At Finance for Expats, we recognize that insurance needs vary significantly for each individual and family. That’s why we offer personalized insurance solutions, focusing on providing the most suitable coverage for health, property, liability, and more, ensuring your peace of mind and security in Germany.

Insurance Expertise

Expertise in Insurance Services

With extensive experience in the insurance sector, Finance for Expats offers expert services to safeguard your life in Germany. We help you understand complex insurance policies, select the right coverage, and manage all aspects of your insurance portfolio for optimal protection and peace of mind.

  • Comprehensive health and liability insurance options
  • Tailored solutions for property and automobile insurance
  • Assistance with insurance claims and renewals

Secure your future in Germany.

Find Your Ideal Insurance Plan

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